Victorian Veteran Golfers Association (VVGA)

Lonsdale Links

Latest updates from the VVGA Council will be added here.

The 2024 VVGA Country Championships were held at Riverside Golf Club (May 6 & 7).
It was a very successful event, congratulations to Riverside for the preparation and presentation of the course.

John Ciezki won with a 36 Hole score of 165 Gross
Shown with VVGA President Ern Kraulis
Captains Report and Results can be viewed HERE

THE AVGU National Championship 2024 – Riverland SA,
Flyer is available HERE, more information can also be found on LINK to the website.

President News Letter 2nd June, 2023 – select HERE to read.

Secretary – John Robertson –
President – Ern Kraulis –
Treasurer/Webmaster – Greg Bennett –
Captain – Peter Turner –